"Scouting brings out the best in each of us. Live what you've learned and will continue to learn. Help others to hike the trails, to keep steadfast in the paths of truth, of honor, of duty, that all of you can soar together on eagles' wings. You are part of a mighty army of youth, even a royal army, and every organization, to be successful, has an honored tradition to uphold. May you uphold Scouting's tradition, for it can be as a lighthouse beacon in the world of stormy seas, it can be a motivation to prepare for your role in life, it can be a yardstick against which you measure your accomplishments." ~President Thomas S. Monson--2010

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Environmental Science

This Saturday, April 8, the stake will be holding its monthly merit badge clinic.  The merit badge this time will be Environmental Science.  This badge is required for Eagle, and can be a challenging one to complete.  The stake however, has put a plan into place that will allow you to earn this relatively quickly.  In order to complete the merit badge this Saturday you must print out the homework assignment, complete it, and then attend the clinic at The Riparian Preserve.

Here is a list of what you will need in order to succeed when you attend:
1. Blue merit badge card signed by your leader
2. Your completed homework assignment
3. Scout uniform
4. Chair
5. Water bottle
6. Clip board or something to write on
7. A hat

When: April 14, from 7:45am-12pm
Where: The Riparian Preserve

If you have any questions please let either myself, Brother Ray or Brother Moore know.

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