"Scouting brings out the best in each of us. Live what you've learned and will continue to learn. Help others to hike the trails, to keep steadfast in the paths of truth, of honor, of duty, that all of you can soar together on eagles' wings. You are part of a mighty army of youth, even a royal army, and every organization, to be successful, has an honored tradition to uphold. May you uphold Scouting's tradition, for it can be as a lighthouse beacon in the world of stormy seas, it can be a motivation to prepare for your role in life, it can be a yardstick against which you measure your accomplishments." ~President Thomas S. Monson--2010

Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Camp Health Form

Summer camp at Camp Raymond is now less than one month away.  It is essential that you get your Health forms completed by your health care provider asap.  You will not be able to attend summer camp without doing this.  If you lost the form that you were sent home with you can print off another copy by clicking on the summer camp 2012 tab that is above the quote from Pres. Monson.  From there scroll down to item C and click on the "click here" link.  Please do not wait to get this form filled out and turned in to Brother Ray, Brother Moore, or myself.  If you have any questions please let one of us know.

This week at scouts we will start working towards planning our camp.  The main topic that we will focus on will be planning which merit badges you will work on while at camp.  Please come prepared to discuss this.  Know which merit badges that you have completed, and which merit badges that you are in need of.  If you would like to know which merit badges that Camp Raymond offers you can find out by simply clicking on the summer camp 2012 tab.  Scroll down to part B and click on the "click here" link.  This will give you all of the information that you need (and more) about the camp.  From there the table of contents will direct you to where you need to look.  Again, if you have any questions please let one of us know.

One last thing that is completely unrelated to summer camp.  How are you doing on your homework?  Bring it to scouts on Wednesday so that we can check on your progress.  If you don't know what I'm referring to, please bring this to my attention at scouts so that we can go over it again.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Flags

This is just a reminder that we are meeting at Brother Ray's house for breakfast and flags tomorrow morning at 6:30am.  Be on time!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baptisms and Citizenship

As discussed at church, baptisms for the dead will be this Thursday.  Please arrive at the church by 5pm, with your recommend.

Also, Citizenship in the World was a great success tonight.  Make sure that you arrive at Brother Raymond's by 6am on Saturday morning so that you can complete the merit badge.  Do not forget to do the homework that was assigned so that you can complete all requirements.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Busy Week

This should be a busy and productive week for those who choose to put a little extra time in.  We will be meeting for scouts this week on TUESDAY, May 15th, (not Wednesday) at 6:30pm at the church in the Relief Society room.  Please arrive promptly as we are not the ones in charge of this activity.  Brother Raymond has offered to teach the Citizen in the World merit badge, which is required for Eagle.  This will be a two day event.  The second day will be on Saturday May 19th, at Brother Raymond's house starting at 6:00am and ending at 8:00am.  Breakfast will be provided.

As discussed at church, baptisms for the dead will be on Thursday this week.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Christopher Creek Gear List and Assignments

I am hoping to be able to update our departure time later this evening.  As of right now we are planning to leave at 4 pm, however because of science camp we are unsure of when we will actually be able to leave.  Because of this we will be handling our departure a little differently this time.  Unlike normal, we will NOT be meeting at the church.  We will be driving to your homes to pick you up, so be prepared!  We may arrive at your home at 4 pm, but it could also be quite a bit later depending on the availability of the young men in our troop.
Christopher Creek and the 260 Trail

Water—3 liters
Dinner (chilli cheese dogs--see assignments at the end of this post)

Breakfast (breakfast burritos--see assignements at the end of this post)
Lunch (we will be stopping to pick something up on our way home)

Snacks (light weight trail food)
Backpack (all of your gear must be attached to this)

Trail pack (day hike pack—not your pack that has all of your gear)
Canteen/camelbak (something to carry your water with)

Scout shirt (to be worn ONLY while traveling in the vehicles)
Hiking shoes (comfortable and worn in)

Tent and ground cloth (know who you will be bunking with)
Sleeping bag

Garbage bag or lightweight raincoat
First aid kit and any medications that you may need (inhalers, insulin…)

Utensils/dishes for meals (mess kit)

Pocket knife, compass, whistle, and survival kit—all should be able to fit in your day pack with water
Toiletries (TP, soap, deodorant, tooth paste/brush, sun block…)

Don’t forget to leave your electronic devices AT HOME
Please arrive promptly on Friday afternoon wearing your scout shirt (will be used for traveling purposes only)
Purpose—to camp and hike on the 260 trail

Fireside: Cedric and Hayden
Riggs: shredded cheese
Cedric: baby carrots and tortillas
Isaac: eggs
Spencer: bacon
Josh: hot dog buns
Brian: chilli
Hayden: hot dogs
Jacob: oranges

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please let one of the leaders know! Thanks!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Camping and Homework

Last Wednesday for scouts we met and started a three month homework project.  The goal of this project is to complete some of the most difficult requirements for three time consuming merit badges that are required to earn the Eagle Scout award.  The young men are to use the packet that we sent home to track their chores, personal fitness program, and financial record.  This is to be updated by the young man daily.  --Young men, you need to make sure that you have discussed this project with your parents.  They need to be aware of what you are doing with regards to these records (that is one of the requirements).  Make sure that you bring your records with you to scouts every week so that we can check on your progress.

We are camping this weekend, May 11th-12th.  We will be camping by the vehicles so don't worry about packing light, however we will be doing some hiking the following day using only "day packs."  Most of your gear will be left behind with the cars while we hike.  Make sure that you arrive at scouts on-time and in uniform.  We will be covering the details at that time.